Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Never Mind

Love is like a bull-shit. Love is blind. Love is the way someone can make you feel warm. Love is a perfect boy who can make you say ‘WAW’ or maybe crazy. And sometimes you can hate love because something or emh ‘BOY’. We are teenage, so I love a BOY, not a MAN. At first, love can make you happy like a world is yours! You love him/her and you always think about her/him. You want to always meet him/her everydays everytime. Usually, you want him/her to be yours. It is a problem! Is he/she loving you too? Is he/she single? I feel it. But I’m loving someone who haven’t a girlfriend. But I still have a problem, he is can’t move from his ex-girlfriend Oh damn! What can I do now? Still love him or leave him? Maybe I just like his behaviour and his sweet face:p but this feeling is over. Maybe I love him now I’m trying to delete this feeling in my heart. It is so hard, so difficult, not easy. I can make a near ship with someone else, but my feeling still flat. You came to my life, when my heart so empty. Like a In Hurricane Rhythm lyrics, “When my heart was so empty, you came to my life.” OH DAMN! Why did you do this to me? Maybe, I prefer to leave you and I wanna say, “Thank you for the memories! You are the sweetest boy ever I know. I will forget you! Goodluck for your national exam and I hope you will get a best PTN for you. Keep contact with me:p You are my scariest brother and I’m your dodol sister”

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